 Melissah Chalker and Skye Wagner,  Upside Down Smiley Face  (room name),  Picture Book Green  (left wall),  Pinch Me  (right wall), acrylic, prefabricated objects, framed c-type prints, lino, dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
 Melissah Chalker and Skye Wagner  Picture Book Green , acrylic, prefabricated objects, framed c-type prints, lino, dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
 Melissah Chalker and Skye Wagner,  Picture Book Green  , installation detail, acrylic, prefabricated objects, dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
 Melissah Chalker and Skye Wagner,  Picture Book Green  , installation detail, acrylic, prefabricated objects, dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
  Pinch Me , installation detail, acrylic, prefabricated objects, framed c-type prints, lino, dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
 Melissah Chalker and Skye Wagner,  Cute-Cool  (room name), acrylic, plastic peach, goggle eyes, mirror, vinyl flooring, c-type photograph, dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
 Melissah Chalker and Skye Wagner,  Cute-Cool  (room name), installation detail, acrylic, plastic peach, goggle eyes, mirror, c-type photograph, dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
 Melissah Chalker and Skye Wagner, Cute-Cool (room name), installation detail, acrylic, plastic peach, mirror dimensions variable. Photo: Docqment
  Black Diamond,  framed pigment print, 42 x 59 cm
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