Band-Aid , pigment print on aluminium, 48 x 32cm
  Toothbrush and Toothpaste , pigment print on aluminium, 48 x 32cm
  Stretch , thread, pin, neodymium magnet, dimensions variable
  Interrupting Hitch , single channel video, ipad
  Interrupting Hitch,  single channel video, video still
  Bubbles,  single channel video, TV, bubble wrap,  dimension variable
  Bubbles,  single channel video, video still
  32 attempt to levitate ,  spiral bound book
  32 attempt to levitate
  114 photos sticky taped to my body , framed c-type prints, 32 x 48cm
  Toothbrush and Toothpaste , inkjets prints 48 x 32cm,  Band-Aid,  inkjet prints, 48 x 32cm
  FLEX  installation view, photo: Zan Wimberley.
  FLEX  installation view, photo: Zan Wimberley.
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